The future of New Zealand's land transport and communities

Published on 2/06/2024 at 8:22 am.

In this Our Changing Climate 'climate change' video opinion, it looks at the future of transportation and uncover why there is a need to have a world without cars and the need to have a future of dense interconnected public transport that is anti-racist, anti-ableist, and anti-capitalist. A transportation system that prioritises people through pedestrian, bike, and public transport-centered design.

For further information concerning the points raised in this video comment:

The video content used on is for education purposes only and the promotion of better urban design and public transport in Aotearoa New Zealand.

If you support a national public transport network concept, have your say or become proactive by getting involved in local better public transport campaign groups.

The New Zealand Unified Public Transport Initiative is one of the initiatives of the Public Transport Forum New Zealand.

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